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Study Skills: Time Management

Study Skills

Time Management Tips for Students

Time Management Tips for Students

  • Divide your study time between study and planned breaks
  • Every time you get an assignment that’s not due the very next day, always start it (even just a little) on the day it’s assigned. Do this, even if you just open a Google Doc, give it a title, and walk away!
  • Break down big assignments into 25-minute chunks. Do one or two 25-minute chunks whenever you can. A “big” assignment is anything that you think will take longer than a few hours to complete.
  •  Use small pockets of free time during the day to take care of quick tasks, such as doing short assignments, cleaning up your notes from the day, etc. You can find small pockets of time in car rides, while waiting to be picked up, while waiting for dinner to be ready, while waiting in the doctor’s office, etc. Bring your work with you to any place that you think you’ll be waiting for a bit.
  • Study for tests a little bit each day (15-20 minutes or so), every single day leading up to the test. (No cramming the night before!!) Your brain remembers information way better when you study in frequent and short intervals.
  • Put your phone away when you’re doing homework or studying. Seriously, away. Not upside-down next to you. Put it awaaaaay. 

Time Management - Pomodoro technique

This short video discusses a time management technique for school students, called the Pomodoro Method. It basically consists of 25 minutes study, followed by incremental breaks. You don't need to follow this technique exactly, but it may provide some ideas or inspiration of how you can manage your time more productively. 

Using Technology

For mobile phone and laptop apps and tips to help with time management and keep you on track with your studies, see Using Technology to Your Advantage