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Study Skills: Setting Goals & Working Independently

Study Skills


Steps to Self-Discipline and Working Independently

1. Know your strengths and weaknesses - if you know essay writing (for example) isn't your strong point, plan extra time to tackle it and avoid distractions. Recognise what you are good at...and ask for help when and where you need it.

2. Know when you are motivated - work better in the mornings than at night? Saturday afternoons is the absolute worst time you'd like to complete homework? Identify where and when you work best...and do that!

3. Avoid downfalls - if you know having your phone in your room is going to cause distractions as you study, give your phone to a parent / carer for a set amount of time. Work out what causes you to sail off course when you study, and the remove obstacles.

3. Stay positive - think positive and use your mistakes to your advantage! A positive mind and attitude go a long way towards your success as a student.

4. Get support - study with like-minded friends and ask teachers for help when you need it. There is no point stressing over a task independently and not seeking help to assist you when you're not sure what to do next.

Goal Setting


The Benefits of Working Independently

  Feeling of being in control of yourself

  Higher rates of goal achievement and success

  Overcome procrastination

  Feeling more motivation towards your goals

  Higher satisfaction of accomplishments