Education Act 1872
The newly established Education Office, Melbourne, 1872
Free education introduced - After more than a decade of effort, the Victorian Government wrested control of the colonial school system from religious denominations, and passed the Education Act 1872...
Fostering ‘an educated community’ - In 1872 the Victorian Government passed the Education Act 1872, which set up the colony’s public school system. This new legislation made Victoria the first Australian colony to offer free, secular and compulsory education to its children...
Museum of Australian Democracy - This Act and subsequent Education Acts created large, centralised education departments that had close control over classroom practice. The needs of the state took precedence over parents, and these public schools drilled their charges with the knowledge and capacities that would equip them for citizenship...
Museum of Australian Democracy. (n.d.). Documenting a democracy: Education Act 1872 (VIC).
National Museum Australia. (n.d.). Free education introduced.
National Museum Australia. (n.d.). Fostering ‘an educated community.