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Religion - Year 9 - The Catholic Church in Australia: Fr John Therry

A selection of resources to support Year 9 Religious Studies assessment task.


Fr John Therry


Father John Therry
John Joseph Therry (1790-1864), Catholic priest, the son of John Therry, of Cork, Ireland, and his wife Eliza, née Connolly, was educated privately and at St Patrick's College, Carlow. Ordained priest in 1815, he was assigned to parochial work in Dublin and then Cork, where he became secretary to the bishop, Dr Murphy. His interest in Australia, aroused by the transportation of Irish convicts and the publicity surrounding the forced return of Father Jeremiah O'Flynn in 1818, came to the notice of Bishop Edward Bede Slater, whom Pius VII had appointed vicar-apostolic of the 'Cape of Good Hope, Madagascar, Mauritius, and New Holland with the adjacent islands'...continue reading...

An insight into the history of Fr John Therry

Website links





Eddy, J. (2006). Therry, John Joseph (1790–1864). Australian Dictionary of Biography.
Healey, J. (2019, July 16). Who was Fr Therry?
Prospect Heritage Turst, Inc. (n.d.). Fr. J J Therry.
Xt3dotcom. (n.d.). An insight into the history of Fr John Joseph Therry [Video]. YouTube.