Saint Claire of Assisi
St Clare of Assisi was born on the 16 July 1194 in Assisi, Italy.
She was known for being the Foundress of an order of nuns
now called “Poor Clares.” When she heard St. Francis of
Assisi preach, her heart burned with a great desire to imitate
Francis and to live a poor humble life for Jesus.
Walters, J. (n.d.). St. Clare of Assisi. Pinterest [image]. Retrieved from
Online resources
Books in the library
This list is not exhaustive. Check the assessment shelf and the library catalogue for more material.
D'Souza, S. (2017, August 5). Life story of Clare of Assisi [YouTube]. Retrieved 7 July 2020, from
Catholic online. (2018, November 8). St. Clare [YouTube]. Retrieved 7 July 2020, from