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Religion - Year 10 - The Pilgrim church: Joan of Arc

Create a podcast on an individual from the list, taking on the guise of that individual, and answering the question 'Discuss the experiences faced by you in your service to Christianity'.

Joan of Arc

Joan of Arc

undefined    Joan of Arc, a peasant girl living in Medieval France, believed

    that God had chosen her to lead France to victory in it's long-

       running war with England. With no military training, Joan convinced

       the embattled crown prince Charles of Valois to allow her to lead a

       French army to the besieged city of Orléans where it achieved a

       momentous victory over the English and their French allies, the Bergundians. (2020). Joan of Arc. Retrieved form

Online resources

Online resources

This list is not exhaustive. It is a starting point.





Books in the library

Books in the library

This list is not exhaustive. It is a place to begin. Look on the assessment shelf and in the catalogue for more material including ebooks.


Clickview. (2017). Joan of Arc. Retrieved 6 July 2020, from

Cloud Biography. (2012, December 12). Joan of Arc biography [YouTube]. Retrieved 7 July 2020, from