This book explores a range of issues for us all to anticipate and evaluate at some stage: end of life attitudes and decisions; end of life care; and coping with death and grief. What are your wishes and rights (and those of your loved ones) when it comes to the personal and practical considerations we have to deal with at the end of life?
Issues in Society - Volume 414
We help young people cope with cancer in their family. Through CanTeen, they learn to explore and deal with their feelings about cancer, connect with other young people in the same boat and if they’ve been diagnosed themselves, we also provide specialist, youth-specific treatment teams.
Beyond Blue provides information and support to help everyone in Australia achieve their best possible mental health.
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How to deal with grief and unexpected loss
There is no 'right' way to grieve, everyone is different, and will have different feelings and reactions to the loss. headspace has tips on how to deal with grief and unexpected losses. If grief continues for a long time and you have difficulty with your day to day life then you should seek help from a health professional.