Games and Puzzles
This is a fabulous page full of great games to play over the Christmas break, especially with extended family and friends. Games (with free printables!) include Christmas Charades, Bingo, Memory Game, Scavenger Hunt, Puzzles, Conversation Starters and more!
Credit: Thanks to Easton and All4Ed for
suggesting this fantastic edition to our Christmas Cheer Guide
Reindeer Game
You need:
Reindeer antler headband
5 x Inflatable rings (or bangles!)
Choose one player to be the “reindeer” and wear the antler headband.
Other players take turns trying to toss rings around the antlers in under one minute. Score 5 points for landing five rings in under a minute or award one point per successfully landed ring.
Christmas Scattegories
(2 or more players)
You need:
One printed card per player (print Santa card) (print Noel card)
One pen per player
Quickly fill out the category list with answers that begin with the same letter within the allocated 2 minutes. Score 2 point if no other player matches your answers. Score zero points if someone matches your answers. Score 4 points if you have two words that begin with the same designated letter. The player with the most points at the end of the round wins.
Bobbing for Candy Canes
You need:
large pile of candy canes
large cup or glass
One player holds a candy cane in their mouth, with the curved end out. Place the rest of the candy canes in a pile on a table and set a timer for one minute. The player must try to “hook” as many candy canes as they can in the specified time, and transfer them into the cup. Score one point for every candy cane successfully transferred!
Gingerbread Face
(2 or more players)
You need:
Gingerbread (or any biscuit/cookie)
A Face (!)
The first player places the cookie on their forehead, and has 1 minute to shimmy the cookie down from their forehead into their mouths without using their hands. The player with the quickest time within the allocated 1 minute is the winner.
Christmas Bingo
(3 or more players)
You need:
Bingo cards and matching images (print them out here)
Bag or hat to hold Christmas images
Tokens to mark off the images in the cards - you'll need 25 per person
(you could coins, pasta wheels, sultanas, xmas lollies - get creative!)
Print out one Bingo card per person, and cut out the xmas images on page 5 of the print out. Place the individual images into a bag or hat, and assign one person as the "Bingo caller". The Bingo caller pulls an image out one by one - if the bingo players have that image on their card, they place a token on the image. The first person to complete their card calls "Bingo" and is the winner. Note: for a quicker game, the first person to complete a line of 5 images is the winner.
Christmas Charades
(4 or more players)
You need:
Printed charade cards
(themes to print : xmas activities; xmas movies; xmas songs)
Cut out the charade cards, fold and place in a container. Divide players into teams (preferably in pairs). A player from the first team selects a card, and has a few seconds to read and review it. The player then acts out the charade, while his or her teammate(s) have 3 minutes to guess the correct answer. If they get it correct within the time limit, the team scores a point. A player from an opposing team then takes their turn, and so on until all cards have been used.