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Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Resources

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Resources


This guide has links to other guides and information that highlights a small portion of our ATSI resources.  This is a starting point. If you require assistance in your research or believe we need to add other resources please Click on the Library Help icon and complete a ticket and we will address it in a timely manner.

Acknowledgement of Country

In Dharawal Language with English translation


Yullunga Ngabi Njungaling 

you-lan-gah ne-gah-bi nooh-jah-ling  

Yuwinj, miigay, gudjagas 

you-whinge mih-geh goo-jargess 

Ngayang (say your name) 

knee-yang (say your name) 

Yabali daiyalung bora  

yuh-bali die-lung bora  

Ngagang Bungj nguumbun malada  

nuh-gang boon-j nuh-ga-bun muh-luh-duh 

Djin Yuwinj, Ngin Miigay Nga ni nura  

jin you-whinge neh-gin me-geh oonga knee-nooo-ra 

Ni nura, ni nura  

knee-nooo-ra knee-nooo-ra 


Welcome, hello to all  

Men, women and children. My name is {Insert your name}  

Today I open the door to you all for this ceremony  

I remember with love the old men, old women from my country, this country, our country.  I acknowledge we meet on Dharawal land, home to the Dharawal, Gundungurra and Dharug  people.  

On behalf of them I say;  


Yullunga, ngayang guragu mudjingal  

you-lan-gah knee-yang goo-rah-goo moo-jin-gool 

Welcome I call you friends.  



PLEASE NOTE- the pronunciation of “oonga” (6th line) starts at the back of your throat with your tongue at  the roof of your mouth. Therefore, it should be pronounced in a way that may be spelled as  “ngggnga”.  

National Anthem in Dharawal language


nyini Australiagal bugjari garibara  

ninni Aus-tral-iuh-gul bood-jar-ee gurree-burra  

nyini budjari buriga  

ninni bood-jar-ee boo-ree-ga  

bugjari bamul yararaga mari walaba  

bood-jar-ee buh-mool yurra-ruh-guh muh-ree wuh-luh-buh  

balmulga mari walanmirang  

buh-mul-guh muh-ree wuh-lun-mee-rang  

bamul merong mari kaban walaba badjajarang waratah  

buh-mool meh-wrong muh-ree kuh-bun wuh-luh-buh bud-jar-jar-rung waratah  

yanamuru Australiagal yanumauru Australiagal  

yuh-nuh-moo-roo Aus-tral-iuh-gul yuh-nuh-moo-roo Aus-tral-iuh-gul  

yana budjari Australiagal  

yuh-nuh bood-jar-ee Aus-tral-iuh-gul  

nyini bayala gawuwi bayala gawuwi  

ninni bye-ull-uh gah-woo-wee bye-ull-uh gah-woo-wee  

yana budjari Australiagal  

yuh-nuh bood-jar-ee Aus-tral-iuh-gul  


PLEASE NOTE: This webpage Advance Australia Fair in Dharawal allows you to hear this sung from Sing 2003 written by Jacqueline Troy.

Some of the books in the College Library



Dharug and Dharawal resources. (n.d.) Advance Australia Fair. Retrieved 12 November 2020, from 

Gilimbaa. (2008). Artwork produced for Queensland Health by Gilimbaa. Making Tracks artwork and protocol.

Paynter, M. (2019). Acknowledgement of Country in Dharawal Language with English translation.