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HSIE - Modern History Year 12 - USA 1919-1941: Consumerism

A selection of resources to support Year 12 Modern History students - Topic USA 1919-1941

nature and impact of consumerism

Nature and Impact of Consumerism


Research articles

Research Article:

Creating consumers in the 1930s
The 1930s marked an important stage in the evolution of a mass consumer society in the United States. The current article examines the roles that early radio soap opera played in that process. Through the daytime serials, program formats were developed that appealed to American housewives, who were the likely purchasers of most household products. 

"The more they listen, the more they buy". Radio and the modernizing of rural America, 1930-1939

Radio was one of several technologies that early twentieth-century reformers promoted as a means of modernizing and improving rural American life.


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1920s Mass Production and Advertising
In this video, the impact of mass production, buying on credit, and advertising in the 1920s are discussed. Duration 4 mins 36 sec.


USA consumer culture in the decade following World War One.
Duration 10 mins 55 sec.

Website articles

Books in the College Library