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Science - Year 7 - Another World: Home

A selection of resources to support Year 7 Science students with their research task

Another World

Kepler Space Telescope

After 9 years in space collecting data that revealed our night sky to be filled with trillions of hidden planets, NASA is ending the Kepler space telescope’s science operations. Kepler discovered over 2,600 planets, some of which could be promising places for life.

International Space Station

International Space Station

Encyclopaedia Britannica entry

Explore 15 of the ways the space station is benefiting humanity.

Spacesuit Technology

The Past and Future Space Suit

American Scientist

NASA's is studying new thermal system technology with the Spacesuit Evaporation Rejection Flight Experiment (SERFE) on the International Space Station and Earth.

James Webb Telescope

Learn about the new James Webb Space Telescope.

The telescope uses a mirror made of gold-coated beryllium instead of glass because it is light, strong and can withstand the cold of space.

Highlights: First Images from the James Webb Space Telescope (Official NASA Video)

Scientists are super excited about a picture of a star. The snap was taken by NASA's fancy new James Webb telescope which was sent to space and lives about 1.5 million kilometres from Earth! James uses infrared light and will be able to see further into the universe than any telescope that's ever existed!

Spirt & Opportunity Mars Rovers

Having helped design the Mars rovers Spirit, Opportunity, and Curiosity, NASA engineer Kobie Boykins reveals what these robots are telling us about the existence of life on the red planet.

References and Image Credits



Behind the News. (2022, March 18). BTN NEWSBREAK : First Space Telescope Photo [Video]. ClickView.

Cadogan, David P. (2015). The Past and Future Space Suit. American Scientist. 103 (5), 338. DOI: 10.1511/2015.116.338

 Encyclopædia Britannica. (n.d.). International Space Station (ISS). Britannica School. Retrieved July 29, 2022, from

Fentress, S. (2018, December 8). Kepler Space Telescope: The Original Exoplanet Hunter.

NASA. (2022, July 14). Highlights: First Images from the James Webb Space Telescope (Official NASA Video) [Video]. YouTube.

NASA. (n.d.). Webb Fact Sheet.

NASA. (2018, November 1). Legacy of NASA’s Kepler Space Telescope: More Planets Than Stars [Video]. YouTube.

NASA Johnson. (2022, July 23). 15 Benefits of Space Station Research [Video]. YouTube.

National Geographic. (2015, January  27). The Curious Life of a Mars Rover | Nat Geo Live [Video]. YouTube.

VideoFromSpace. (2022, April 12). NASA upgrading spacesuit tech for moon and Mars [Video]. YouTube.

Cover Image Credits

History in HD. (2018). Apollo 11 astronaut Buzz Aldrin walks on the surface of the moon on July 20, 1969, in a photograph taken by Neil Armstrong [Photograph]. Unsplash.

NASA. (2015). Ocean clouds seen from space [Photograph]. Unsplash.

Rakozy, G. (2015). [Figure looking up at night sky] [Photograph]. Unsplash.