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Issues in Sport and Physical Activity

Gender Inequality


When we look back at 2019 so far, it is clear there is growing interest in equality for female athletes. There has been much focus on equal representation, equal opportunities and, the big one: equal pay...continue reading...


In an Inter-parliamentary Committee Meeting at European Parliament on 7 March 2024 Director Carlien Scheele weighs in on the challenges women face in sports – and how they can be a force for promoting gender equality on the occasion of International Women’s Day 2024.



The quest for gender equality in sport has come a long way, but the starting point was a long way behind. Let's celebrate progress in sport, but also acknowledge there is still much to be done. The dial is shifting - just not fast enough...continue reading...


Changing Our Game
VicHealth’s focus on women in sport forms part of their longstanding commitment to achieving gender equality across the community and building a culture of respect and non-violence...continue reading...