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PDHPE - Year 12 - The Health of Young People: Home

A selection of resources to support Year 12 PDHPE students to complete their assessment

Health Priorities in Australia

Resource Key

Resource Key

When accessing content use the numbers below to guide you:

brief, basic information laid out in an easy-to-read format. May use informal language. (Includes most news articles)

provides additional background information and further reading. Introduces some subject-specific language.

lengthy, detailed information. Frequently uses technical/subject-specific language. (Includes most analytical articles)


Health Promotion Initiatives

Click here for Health Promotion Initiatives with links to the Ottawa Charter including:

  • Closing the Gap (2008)
  • National Chronic Disease Strategy (2005)
  • Road Safety 2010
  • National Binge Drinking Strategy (2008)
  • Aged Care Access Initiative (2008)

Click View

In this programme we examine the history and development of public health in Australia, how we measure health (mortality rates, morbidity, prevalence, incidence, life expectancy and burden of disease), how the World Health Organisation defines health, the definition, aims and advantages of public health and health promotion, the rise of the biomedical model of health, the development of New Public Health, the principles of the Ottawa Charter.

Run Time: 24:12 mins 

In Australia, we're well educated about health risks yet our government spends millions each year treating preventable diseases. This programme provides a detailed overview of health promotion in today's society. The Ottawa Charter Framework for health promotion is explored as a contributing factor to improved health outcomes for various groups in Australia. Each chapter provides a unique perspective of how to improve the health of individuals, as well as preventative measures such as immunisation and cancer screening. The programme's practical approach looks at how the strategies are implemented, the target audience and the impact it has in individual behaviour and outcomes.

Run Time: 26:05 mins 

Ottawa Charter

Find out more about the
Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion here

Better Health Victoria Government
Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion

Department of Health

Search here by keyword or topic for a list of all Health programs and initiatives from the Department of Health 

Key Terms




References & Cover image credits


Barahona, E. (2019). [People holding drinks up] [Photograph]. Unsplash.
Better Health Channel. (n.d.). 
Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion.

Ewerton, C. (2020). @cleytonewerton [Photograph]. Unsplash.
Photoholgic. (2018). Danger [Photograph]. Unsplash.
NSW Education Standards Authority. (n.d.). Health promotion initiatives with links to the Ottawa Charter.

Tran, A. (2018). [Girl sitting on a chair with legs up and looking out of a window] [Photograph]. Unsplash.

VEA (Production Company). (2003). 
The Development of Public Health in Australia [Video]. ClickView.

VEA (Production Company). (2010). Strategies to Promote the Health of Individuals [Video]. ClickView.
World Health Organisation. (2022). 
The 1st international conference on health promotion, Ottawa, 1986.