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How To Guides: Book Review

What is a Book Review?

What is a Book Review?

A Book Review is a descriptive and critical account of a book.

It provides a summary of the content and assesses the value of it to potential readers.

Book Review Tips

How to write a book review

Author Luisa Plaja offers her top tips for how to write a brilliant review of the latest book you read - whether you liked it or not.

Destiny Discover

We want your Book Reviews!

Tell us about the books you loved, the books that weren’t for you and even the books that were a little bit meh…..

To submit your review login in to Destiny Discover at:

Click on Search in Library button

Search for the book you are reviewing. Click on the image or title.

Then click on Reviews.

Add your review (a few sentences is fine) and then hit Submit Review.


Book Review considerations


MacDonnchaidh, S. (n.d.). How to write a book review: A complete guide for students and teachers. Literacy Ideas.

How to write a Book Review in 3 Steps

How to write a Book Review in three simple steps by Reedsy

Run Time: 5:21 mins


Book Review Template

Use this Book Review template as a quick guide

MacDonnchaidh, S. (n.d.). How to write a book review: A complete guide for students and teachers. Literacy Ideas.

References & Cover image credits


MacDonnchaidh, S. (n.d.). How to write a book review: A complete guide for students and teachers. Literacy Ideas.

Plaja, L. (n.d.). How to write a book review. BookTrust.

Reedsy. (2019, October 16). How to Write a Book Review [Video]. YouTube.

Cover Image Credits

Winkler, M. (2020, April 3). [Typewriter with word Review] [Photograph]. Unsplash.