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brief, basic information laid out in an easy-to-read format. May use informal language. (Includes most news articles)
provides additional background information and further reading. Introduces some subject-specific language.
lengthy, detailed information. Frequently uses technical/subject-specific language. (Includes most analytical articles)
Explores the nature and consequences of earthquakes, the factors that cause earthquakes, their location and characteristics.
Run Time: 13.53 mins
Tsunamis can be caused by underwater earthquakes, landslides, volcanoes and even asteroids.
Run Time: 21.23 mins
Awesome Avalanches
This program looks at some of the world's worst-ever avalanche disasters. It describes what caused them in the first place, the havoc they created, and how the rescue and emergency teams worked together to save as many lives as possible.
Run Time: 45.56 mins
Dangers & Benefits of Volcanoes
Given how dangerous volcanoes are, why do people still choose to live close to these deadly mountains? In the second instalment of a two-part series on volcanoes, this video will teach students about the various dangers of volcanoes and their consequences, as well as the different economic and social reasons that entice people to continue living near them.
Run Time: 5.42 mins
Explores the hidden stories behind the disasters, the true causes and consequences, the tragedies and triumphs in remarkable stories of survival and the ability of the human spirit to overcome extraordinary difficulties. Includes images of the disasters and their aftermath, clear explanations and stories by survivors in their own words.
What causes an earthquake? When will another big shock shake Tokyo or Los Angeles? Can people create deserts and eventually wipe out a civilization? Or are deserts and droughts entirely beyond human control? How are ozone layer and greenhouse effect interlinked? Is global warming a force of Nature - or of man? This revised edition comes complete with key websites, illustrated with photographs and specially commissioned artwork, and presents the updated scientific insights into these fiercely debated, life-and-death questions. Each force of nature is separately described, dissected and fitted into the jigsaw puzzle of global environmental change.
Explores natural disasters such as earthquakes, volcanoes, floods, hurricanes and tidal waves with real world examples and photographs.
Explores the science of earthquakes, their magnitude, intensity and patterns. Explores the science of volcanoes, the types of eruptive material and types of eruptions.
This book explains what volcanoes are, and how they erupt, the stories of some famous eruptions, why scientists risk their lives to try to understand volcanoes and how volcanoes bring prosperity to the millions of people who live near.
This pictorial guide looks at the erratic world of volcanoes and earthquakes - their history and how we can predict them. Over 500 volcanoes in the world are still active and mankind cannot control them despite ever increasing technological developments. The book begins with the eruption of Vesuvius in 79 AD and the later incident at Krakatoa. The book includes pictures of models which slice through the Earth's crust to reveal the deep forces that cause volcanoes and it explains how to read a seismograph, shows remains unearthed from Pompeii, and includes information on how San Francisco and Tokyo are preparing for the next big earthquake.
The solid earth beneath your feet is not as steady as it seems. The surface of the Earth is made of huge plates of rock which are constantly moving - sometimes causing terrible destruction. This book includes dramatic descriptions of real-life disasters, including earthquakes, avalanches, landslides, collapsed mines and environmental damage. Join the rescue teams who battle against these elemental forces and learn about the technology used to predict and track disasters.
The environment is subjected to many natural and manmade disasters, from devastating hurricanes to explosive volcanoes to destructive spills.Learn about the science behind volcanic eruptions, including why they happen, what the effects are, and how scientists are working to predict or prevent them.
The environment is subjected to many natural and manmade disasters, from devastating hurricanes to explosive volcanoes to destructive spills.Learn about the science behind earthquakes, including why they happen, what the effects are, and how scientists are working to predict or prevent them.
Discover the causes and effects of these damaging tremors, and how communities prepare for them and manage the aftermath. Also find out what to do in a disaster situation with top tips for surviving an earthquake, myth-busting earthquake facts and much more.
The catacylsmic Boxing Day 2004 tsunami was a worldwide disaster, the impact of which will be felt for decades to come. No catastrophe in modern times has affected so many people. This book examines what happened, how and why, and attempts to take away the lessons that can be learned from it.
Discover the causes and effects of these giant waves and how communities prepare for them and manage the aftermath. Also, find out what to do in a disaster situation with top tips for surviving a tsunami, myth-busting tsunami facts and much more.
Explains how mountains are formed and how their shape changes with the effects of wind, water and ice. Case studies cover The Himalayas, Mount Kilimanjaro, the European Alps, landslides in Java, and a deadly avalanche. It includes amazing photographs of some of the greatest mountains and mountain ranges. It shows how avalanches and rock falls occur, and how these can make mountains very dangerous places to be.
How should we better prepare for natural hazards and mitigate their impacts from becoming disasters; and how can we cope during and after they have occurred? What could we do at a government, emergency services, community and personal level to protect ourselves, develop resilience, and recover from the next major natural disaster?
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(2010). Awesome Avalanches [Video]. ClickView.
(2014). Tsunamis [Video]. ClickView.
ClickView (Production Company). (2019). Dangers and Benefits of Volcanoes [Video]. ClickView.
Healey, J. (2021). Coping with Disasters. Spinney Press.
INTELECOM Intelligent Telecommunications (Production Company). (2000). Earthquakes [Video}. ClickView.
Cover image credits
Capunk, P. (2018). Bromo [Photograph]. Unsplash.
Cool, N. (2016). Avalanche danger sign [Photograph] Unsplash.
Hardy, M. (2019). [Sea wave] [Photograph] Unsplash.