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Fall of the Romanov Dynasty


Vladimir Lenin

Who Was Vladimir Lenin? - Russia in World War I -  - Russian Revolution - War Communism - Cheka - Red Terror - Lenin Creates the U.S.S.R. -  Lenin's Death and Tomb

1905 Revolution

Causes of the 1905 Revolution

Long term economic and political discontent led to the 1905 revolution. Defeat by Japan brought the Tsar's rule into question. The Bloody Sunday massacre was an important short term cause....continue reading...

Bloody Sunday

Bloody Sunday

Excerpt from a letter written by Leo Tolstoy to Nicholas II in 1902 asking that the Czar heed the cry of his people:

"A third of Russia is in a state of emergency... The army of police – open and secret – is constantly growing... the prisons, places of exile, and labor camps are overflowing... The censorship has descended to nonsensical prohibitions... Religious persecutions were never so frequent and cruel as now... Armed forces are... sent out against the people with live cartridges. In many places there has already been bloodshed between brothers, and further and more cruel bloodshed is imminent everywhere..."   ...continue reading...


The Russian Revolution


History of the State Duma

The first representative body of legislative power was created in the Russian Empire
in 1905 as result of the revolution....continue reading...