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HSIE - Elective History - Year 9 - Historical Investigation

A selection of resources to support year 9 students completing the Extension History Historical Investigation assessment task.

undefined (n.d.) Historical investigation. Retried 8 July 2020 from

What is an Historical Investigation ?

The historical investigation is a problem-solving activity that requires you to develop and apply the research skills of a historian to an interesting historical topic of your choice. You will be required to search for, select, evaluate and use evidence to reach a relevant conclusion.

Writing an Essay

Your findings for this task are to be in the form of an essay. 

Great Essay Writing in 8 steps offers handy information and tips on writing an effective essay.

Books in the library

These book lists are not exhaustive. They are a starting point. Check the assessment shelf and library catalogue for more material.

Online resources

This website is a list of famous people, chosen mainly from the nineteenth, twentieth or twenty-first centuries. This list includes famous actors, politicians, entrepreneurs, writers, artists and humanitarians.-