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English Year 10 - Macbeth : Comparative Study of Drama: Analysis + Themes

A selection of resources to support Year 10 English Comparative Drama Study: Macbeth




Macbeth - Royal Shakespeare Company
Click here to use the interactive character map, arrange the characters on the screen and show the connections between the characters and their relationships.


The Ultimate Guide to Analysing ‘Macbeth’ for English: Summary, Context, Themes & Characters
You will need to create a free Art of Smart account to access the link.

Shakespeare Unbound : The Tempest

Shakespeare Unbound
ABC Education and Bell Shakespeare bring you a modern twist of
some of Shakespeare's most famous scenes. 


Macbeth: Theatre as Life
Shakespeare seems to be obsessed with using theatre as a metaphor for life, as the imagery of playacting and performance features in many of his plays. Hear what Bell Shakespeare's Ivan Donato and John Bell have to say about this symbolism in Macbeth's final soliloquy. As you watch, consider the life lessons that Macbeth — and therefore the audience — learns from his 'hour upon the stage'.

Macbeth: Realisation and Regret
'Macbeth' is a play drenched in bloodshed and death. In this haunting soliloquy, delivered after Macbeth hears of his beloved wife's death, Macbeth seems to emerge from his bloodlust and reflect on what it has achieved. Join Bell Shakespeare's Ivan Donato as he infuses Macbeth's final soliloquy with pathos and regret.

Macbeth: Are You a Man or a Mouse?
Let's get inside the devious mind of Lady Macbeth! Bell Shakespeare's Kate Mulvany and John Bell explore the methods Lady Macbeth uses to manipulate her husband. This delightfully despicable character knows just which buttons to press! Listen in on the conversation with James Evans and see for yourself.

Lady Macbeth: The Power of Deadly Persuasion
After considering the matter carefully, Macbeth decides not to carry out the plan to murder King Duncan. Until, that is, he is persuaded to by his wife. Lady Macbeth is a fascinating character. Devoted wife or villainess? Watch this performance from Kate Mulvany and Ivan Donato of Bell Shakespeare to decide for yourself. 



Macbeth - Books in the Library

Journal Articles

Below are a selection of academic journal articles regarding Macbeth. 

Click HERE to find more academic articles within the College Library's research databases.

Macbeth in 10 Quotations



ABC. (2021, December 3). Macbeth: Theatre as life. ABC Education.
ABC. (2021, December 3). Macbeth: Realisation and regret. ABC Education.

ABC. (2021, December 3). Macbeth: Are you a man or a mouse?  ABC Education.
ABC. (2021, December 3). Lady Macbeth: The power of deadly persuasion. ABC Education.

Art of Smart. (2021). The ultimate guide to analysing ‘Macbeth’ for English: Summary, context, themes & characters.
BBC. (2022). Macbeth: Themes.
Cox, J. D. (2013). Religion and suffering in Macbeth. Christianity & Literature, 62 (2), 225-240. https://10.1177/014833311306200205
Dr Aidan. (2019, May 10).'Ambition' in Macbeth: Key quotes & analysis [Video]. YouTube.
Dr Aidan. (2019, February 7).' Appearance and reality' in Macbeth: Key quotes & analysis [Video]. YouTube.
Dr Aidan. (2019, February 17).'Fate and free will' in Macbeth: Key quotes & analysis [Video]. YouTube.
Dr Aidan. (2019, February 17). The 10 most important quotes in Macbeth [Video]. YouTube.
Literary Devices. (2022). Macbeth themes.
McGuiness, F. (2015). Madness and magic: Shakespeare's Macbeth. Irish University Review, 45(1), 69-80. https://10.3366/iur.2015.0151
Mohta, M. (2019, January 1). What makes Shakespeare’s Macbeth ‘special’? [Image]. Indianfolk.
Royal Shakespeare Company. (2022). Macbeth character relationship.
Royal Shakespeare Company. (2022). Macbeth: Language analysis.
SparkNotes. (2022). Macbeth: Banquo.
SparkNotes. (2022). Macbeth: Full book summary quiz.
SparkNotes. (2022). Macbeth: Lady Macbeth.|
SparkNotes. (2022). Macbeth.
SparkNotes. (2022). Macbeth: Macduff.
SparkNotes. (2022). Macbeth: Themes.
SparkNotes. (2022). Macbeth: The three witches.
SparkNotes. (2022). Macbeth quotes.
trewq. (2021). Macbeth. Braingle.
Wilson, L. (2012). Macbeth and the contingency of future persons. Shakespeare Studies, 40, 53-62.