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Avant Garde Fashion Design: Avant Garde / Haute Couture

A selection of resources for students studying Avant Garde fashion design and designers



Avant garde fashion, a realm of cutting-edge creativity and unbridled imagination, pushes the boundaries of conventional design. 
It is an art form that transcends the norms and challenges the status quo, daring to be bold and visionary  - Alise Trautman Uzuner.

Avant Garde

Video - What is Avant Garde?


Avant-Garde Moments in Haute Couture History

Known for experimental inspirations and top-notch tailoring, the world of Haute Couture is one of style, exclusivity, and whimsicality. Designated by the French governing body Fédération de la Haute Couture et de la Mode, there are only 41 Maisons that show collections under the Haute Couture label...continue reading...

Avant Garde Designers

Haute Couture standards

Haute Couture Standards

Translated literally, 'Couture' is French for dressmaking, and 'Haute' means high.

19th century Englishman Charles Frederick Worth is considered as the father of Haute Couture and today members are selected by the Chambre Syndicale de la Haute Couture

The criteria to which a fashion house must adhere in order to be categorised haute couture were laid down in 1945 and updated in 1992.

To qualify as an official Haute Couture house, members must:

- design made-to-order clothes for private clients, with more than one fitting
- atelier (workshop) employs at least 15 fulltime staff and at least 20 fulltime technical workers 
-  must present a collection of no less than 50 original designs - both day and evening garments - to the press in Paris every January and July



 The Museum at FIT Fashion Culture Podcast

In this episode, Dr. Valerie Steele, director and chief curator of The Museum at FIT, discusses the birth of the haute couture...duration 11 mins.



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