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HSIE - History - Year 8 - Ancient Egypt: Tutankhamun

A selection of resources to support Year 8 History students completing the Ancient Egypt assessment task.




Books in the College Library


In 1922, British archaeologist Howard Carter’s discovery of an intact tomb revealed a wealth of artifacts and information that turned King Tut into a household name, and perhaps the most famous Egyptian to ever live. In this video, learn everything we know about “The Boy King,” from his education to his expensive fashion.

After 3 years Howard Carter and his team finally get to excavate the lost tomb of King Tutankhamun. Using colorisation technology, see this discovery as Carter and his team would have.

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Tutankhamun (also known as Tutankhamen and `King Tut', r. c.1336-c.1327 BCE) is the most famous and instantly recognizable Pharaoh in the modern world. His golden sarcophagus is now a symbol almost synonymous with Egypt. His name means `living image of [the god] Amun'...continue reading...


Pharaohs were the kings of Ancient Egypt. They ruled over the land, collected taxes from the people, enforced the law and led the Egyptian army against invaders. Tutankhamun became pharaoh after the death of his father Akhenaten. Akhenaten was a very controversial ruler. He outlawed all of the gods except for one called Aten...continue reading...


Archaeological evidence indicates that Tutankhamun suffered from ill health. A study of his remains published in 2010 found that he suffered from a variety of maladies, including malaria and Kohler disease (a rare bone disorder of the foot). A number of canes have been found in Tutankhamun's tomb, finds that support the idea that the pharaoh had difficulty walking at times...continue reading...


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BBC. (2022). Who was Tutankhamun?
Jarus, O. (2016, April 2). Tutankhamun: The life & death of the boy pharaoh. LiveScience.
LBMA. (2022). Discovery of Tutankhamun’s tomb.
Mark, J. (2014, April 1). Tutankhamun: Definition. World History Encyclopedia.
National Geographic. (n.d.). Live a day in the life of King Tut | National Geographic [Video]. YouTube.
National Geographic. (n.d.). The excavation of Tutankhamun’s mummy | King Tut in color [Video]. YouTube.